Sunday, December 16, 2012

Computer breakdown..

I got a bit too grumpy the other day. My laptop collapsed totally. I love my laptop. I miss it. It is at the repairshop and if everything works out I will get it back next week. Pictures I wanted to share with you at this blog is probably gone, meaning more work for me. Luckily I love taking pictures and use time in front of the laptop so I kind of look forward to it too.

I wish everyone a great Christmas, if you don`t celebrate Christmas I just wish you a really good time!

I`ll be back.
Lots of love to you all!

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Christmas- so awful and so beautiful

It is that waiting time again- advent. The darkest time of the year where I live. This calls for lots of candles, christmas music, we might bake some cookies etc. I love this wait. I decorate more and more througout December and I totally enjoy it! When I was a grumpykid my mother decorated just before Christmas, but I think that is waaay to late. Christmas ornaments, candles etc should be enjoyed as long as possible. More is better!

My dream Christmas is the Disney kind, at least as close as one can get! The thought of a happy family together is simply to intriguing. Hopefully when grumpykids have grown and have a family of their own we will manage to produce a Disneylike Christmas.

Our own Christmas is a bit like Disney (when it comes to decorating at least) but mostly it is like that "Christmas with the family you don`t get that well along with".
I am convinced I am not alone about this.
I hate pretending things are fine but what can one do? It is Christmas and then you just have to pretend, right?

Besides all the obvious awful things about Christmas- poverty, unfairness, loneliness-  I think pretending things are fine for a week or more is just too much. But still- I do it every year.

I do it because I love the idea of Christmas- sharing, kindness, beeing with your family, meeting friends, enjoying some time off, there might be snow, good food, decorating the house etc etc. (I am not mentioning Jesus- I am not a christian.)

As you see I am full of mixed feelings. I think I build up big expectations through advent and when Christmas is here- the finale- it always disappoints.

Today I have been decorating and as always it was a joy:)  Can not wait to continue! All our Christmas stuff is in the loft- a room I am not so fond of anymore after Mr Grumpy spotted a rat there....

Rat poison is thouroghly placed- and we haven`t heard or seen any more from the rat, but I am sure it is up there somewhere.

Enjoy advent- maybe Christmas will be a good one this year!

Sunday, December 2, 2012


I think things are in need of speeding up. Mr Grumpy is so tired of working at grumpyhouse he does some kung- fu style- kicks at doors and walls in frustration. I gave him a powerful right cross to wake him up and now he is at it again- Grumpyhouse that is.

I understand him- he is used to working out quite hard and now he hasn`t done any exercising for almost a year so I don`t think we can wait much longer to send him off to the gym.

But we are soooo close to the finishing line! Just a couple of weeks more!
As long as I am stronger then him I will use my punches to keep him at the scaffolding...
We are both familiar with marshall arts so I am sure it will be a good fight if he dares to counter back!

Meanwhile I am indoors unpacking Christmas decorations while I listen to Christmas music.
One of my favourite songs is this one: Magical!